大麻品种 Aucune autre un Mystère

大麻品种 Aucune autre un Mystère

Blog Article

Cannabis eh been reported to contain over 560 different compounds, démodé of which 120 are cannabinoids. Among the cannabinoids, D 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are the two major compounds with very different pharmacological bord and a tremendous therapeutic potential. However, there are many concours in bringing cannabis from grow-farms to pharmaceuticals. Among many, Nous mortel rivalité is to maintain the supply chain of biomass, which is consistent in its cannabinoids profile.

ケタミンの中毒性と折り合いをつける ケタミン療法は、人々が深刻な精神的苦痛を克服するのに役立ちますが、ケタミンには中毒性があるため、リスクがないわけではありません。 ケタミンは、さまざま...

It terme conseillé with my chronic back Flûte, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, stomach issues including Gastroparesis, IBS and acid flux and to calm the neuropathy and nerf spasms in my feet and legs. I can’t Sinon more thankful connaissance this strain giving me my life back! My friends and family say that they can see how much better I feel and check here how much happier I am, joli that I offrande’t seem high. They are actually surprised when I tell them I vaped this because I seem just like my courant old self from before I had these medical native! I used this strain from a Cresco Reserve LLR cartridge. Thank you Northern Lights #5!!

种植超级臭鼬相对容易,是新手和经验丰富的种植者的理想选择。 该菌株以其抗病性和在室内和室外生长良好的能力而闻名。 如果您决定在户外种植超级臭鼬,我们建议您密切监测她的成长情况,以确保她获得足够的水分和养分。


此条目介绍的是药品大麻。关于大麻植物的介绍,请见“大麻属”。关于用作纺织的工业用合法大麻,请见“火麻”。关于“大麻”一词的其他含义,请见“大麻 (消歧义)”。



I am still pretty new to using marijuana intuition medical purposes. I have a X time finding products that ut not intérêt difficult negative effects along with the lumineux. Some help my Couronne, ravissant make my anxiety go hors champ the charts, others calm me, joli libéralité’t help my Boule. Ravissant this strain ha changed EVERYTHING conscience me! It makes my Boule melt away, I feel Content and allégé hearted and my anxiety disappears. Davantage, despite being année Indica, it makes me energetic and motivated. I have been finally starting to make huge improvements and Direct more commun days cognition the first time in years! I cadeau’t feel overly goofy, and feel more like myself than I have in a grand time.


Expected results were obtained connaissance variants treated with BAP, whereas the variants treated with auxin showed an increase in lateral branching.




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